Different Flavors Of Beans To Cup Coffee Machine

Most people drink coffee made from either instant coffee granules or 'freshly ground' coffee. However the latter, 'freshly ground' is anything but freshly ground, and the former, instant coffee, is almost a criminal offence in this day and age. If you want real fresh coffee, then you have two choices. Firstly, you could have a grinder to grind fresh beans prior to brewing, or an all singing, all dancing bean to cup coffee machine. These are perfect for lovers of gadgets as you simply pour in your fresh roasted beans in, push a couple of buttons and within a minute, you've got the freshly ground coffee taste you've longed for.

Bean to cup coffee machines do require a little more care and attention than a traditional espresso machine (or a kettle and jar of instant for that matter), as they have more moving parts in the grinding mechanism and do need regular cleaning. If used on a daily basis than it will need cleaning on a daily basis. However once you've had your first bean to cup coffee, you'll not want to go back to pre ground or instant. Unlike espresso machines or the more common percolators, a bean to cup coffee machine will deliver the same perfect cup of coffee time after time.

Coffee beans can be purchased ready roasted or in some retailers, green beans can be purchased for roasting at home. If you want super fresh coffee and have the time and patience to roast your own, then buying green beans ready for roasting is the way to go. But if you want fresh ground coffee without the added hassle of roasting, then you may as well opt for the ready roasted variety. Coffee aficionados will argue until the cows come home about the benefits of home roasting green beans, however with today's foil packed coffee, beans are roasted and packed so quickly that virtually none of the flavour will be lost between roasting and opening the pack weeks or months later.

The main benefit of the bean to cup coffee machine is self explanatory, the time between the grinding of the bean and the coffee being poured is a matter of seconds and this is the sole reason for the growing popularity of bean to cup coffee machines. The fact that they deliver a perfect cup of coffee at the push of a button makes them perfect for both home and office use. Wake up and smell the coffee, then taste the difference with bean to cup coffee machines.