Benefit From A Bean

Once you have owned a bean to cup coffee machine you will realize that the cup of coffee that is produced can be far superior to any made in a regular coffee machine or percolator.

They are just as easy to operate  instead of pouring in scoops of ground coffee, fresh whole coffee beans are added to a hopper, and then ground when you want them. If you like your coffee weak or super-strong, a good bean to cup coffee machine should be adjustable to your exact taste. The freshly ground coffee is then dispensed into a brewing chamber and the process is much like a normal coffee machine.

The most basic machines will grind, then brew. Some of the most sophisticated top-of-the-line machines can do much more. They offer you the option of making some very sophisticated brews, plus some machines offer the option of making cappuccinos or espresso.

There are some arguments against these machines, as a very important part of the process is grinding the beans, and many bean to cup coffee machines do not have adequate or efficient grinders that will get the best out of your coffee beans. Indeed, the best coffee made by a barista will be ground separately and then he will "pull a shot" to make one single cup of coffee.

Despite the detractors, there are hundreds of bean to cup coffee makers to choose from and the best ones are not cheap, especially if you want the additional capability of making cappuccinos and espresso. Of course, the other major consideration is the coffee beans you use; it may take some experimenting to find the exact brand for you.

If you are looking to buy a bean to cup coffee machine there are a number of things you should look at before you purchase.
  • Do you want a manual machine where you are the barista and pull each shot? Or will an automatic or semi-automatic machine suffice?
  • Do you need a hot water dispenser in it too, so you can make tea or other hot drinks with it?
  • Is it stainless steel? These are the most durable and easiest to clean.
  • Look at the capacity. Will it make small or large cups of coffee? Decide which you need, especially if it is for an office or hospitality situation.
  • How large is the water tank? Can it be plumbed in for convenience?
Do you really intend to make cappuccino and espresso coffee as well?

The best machines are expensive and it is a good idea to do your research first. Check the points above to make sure you are getting all the features you want.

If you only drink one cup of coffee in the morning, the cost may be too high when averaged over a year of coffee drinking, and you could help to keep your local coffee shop in business and people employed.

Do you want to enjoy a solitary coffee each morning from a bean to cup coffee machine, or is it more enjoyable from a coffee shop, where you can sit and eat a pastry and enjoy a cheerful "Good Morning" from your local barista?